
WAV Manager

Attention (Disclaimer)

The specifications of this software and the contents of this document are subject to change without notice. FOSTAX Company assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the operation of this software or this document, including, but not limited to, warranty or support.

WAV Manager is freeware. Anyone can use it freely and without charge, but the copyright is owned by Fostex Company. Unauthorized distribution, sale, lease/rental, or modification of this software is prohibited.

This software is not a commodity. It is not covered by Fostex service and support. Fostex is not able to provide technical support and services such as installation and operation methods. Please be aware of this before using this software.

Target Product:
MR-8 Series / MR-16 Series


WAV Manager is utility software for importing song track data created with the Fostex Digital Multitracker MR series (MR-8 / MR-8HD / MR-8mkII) as a single WAV file on a PC. Instead of stereo (2-track) data, it can be converted to monaural 8-track data.
It is also possible to export WAV file data created/edited on a PC to MR series songs and to create audio CDs.