• Accessories
  • P202B


Flexible shafts

XLR-3-31C type - BTS21P3B type flexible shaft.


Flexible cable length φ14mm, effective length 337.5mm, weight approx. 300g

External Dimensions


Please be careful about the following points as they may cause malfunctions.

Excessive bending of the gooseneck (75 degrees or more as a rough guide).

The act of bending the gooseneck repeatedly on a daily basis.

Bending the gooseneck not only vertically (back and forth) but also horizontally (left and right).

Rotating (twisting) the gooseneck.

*This product complies with the European RoHS Directive.


Product Materials

Various product documents are available for download.
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The user manuals, product specifications, and product images may be used free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, but the copyright belongs to our company.
(No permission application or credit notation such as product names is required for their use.)
Selling, leasing, renting, or redistributing the product is prohibited. (No permission application or credit notation of the product name, etc. is required for use of the image.